I was getting my bloods done two weeks ago when the nurse noted, 'Your fiftieth birthday! Did you do anything special?'
'Oh, went out to dinner.' Pause. 'At the Eiffel Tower.'
I think I did the trip only so I could say lines like that.
No comments, just a couple of pictures and the menu.
From 125 meters up we could see from the Arc de Triomphe, across Concorde and the Louvre to Notre Dame, and to Les Invalides (see above).
The birthday cake - pistachios and wild strawberries.
What we ate:
Mineral water:
Amuse-bouches (appetizers):
Homard de nos côtes en Bellevue, sucs de cuisson en sabayon et caviar gold (Bellevue-style local lobster, sabayon and Gold caviar)
Petits artichauts poivrade en barigoule (Roasted and marinated baby artichokes)
Poisson et viande (fish and meat):
Blanc de turbot cuit au four façon Dugléré (Dugléré baked turbot)
Grenadin de veau au sautoir, pommes de terre Anna, vrai jus (Sautéed thick medallion of veal, Anna potatoes, cooking jus)
Moelleux aux pistaches et fraises des bois (Pistachio and wild strawberry soft cake)
L’écrou au chocolat et praliné croustillant, glace noisette (Tower bolt, dark chocolate praliné, hazelnut ice cream)
Best birthday ever.