Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Here we go again

There has to be a name for the liminal zone between preparation and embarkation. You are doing things – you take the taxi, check in the luggage, grab lunch, go through Customs, and hang around in the transit lounge trying to connect to the wifi – but they’re just so you can go somewhere, you’re not actually in the going. It’s the closest thing to Purgatory on earth: you’re marking time, waiting for the good stuff to happen.

Except I can’t mark time, because the watchmaker couldn’t fix my watch, even though he had it for a week. So I will have the fun of duty free shopping at Changi in our transit stopover tonight. That’s the word! ‘Transit’. I could enjoy the liminality but will shop for a watch instead.

1 comment:

Brendan Dalley said...

I often have to walk a short distance through an empty hall at work and many odd ideas pop into my head in those numerous brief episodes. I have considered that there is a book waiting to be written of the thoughts people have in those lost moments in transit. Lots of individual and disparate ideas all eventually linking into a cohesive narrative.